Author: biolink4plants

I recently enjoyed the hospitality of the owners of Bungador Berry Farm. Their property is located in the small rural town of Bungador around 153kms east of Melbourne. They thought they'd try their hand at growing organic berries and other fruit including strawberries, ...

$2.4 billion. That’s what the latest Australian Organic Market Report tells us is the size of the organic industry in Australia. This is an 88% increase since 2012. More than 35 million hectares – that’s 10% of all Australian agricultural land – is officially ‘organic’. In fact, Australia...

There are two good reasons why effluent management at intensive animal operations is becoming more important: nutrient management, and pollution mitigation. Generally, we assume that the effluent system we install on our farms will manage itself ‘naturally’. Periodically, we know we’ll need to give it...

The ‘grow your own’ movement has real momentum right now. Community gardens are springing up around the suburbs. Individual households, mindful of their expensive supermarket bills, are trying to grow their own herbs and veggies. It’s also a good way to teach children about where their food...