
For Home Gardeners

Nurture yourself. Grow your own food.

Whether you’re growing a few veggies in your backyard or in small pots on your apartment verandah, making the effort to be at least a little self-sustaining is a satisfying one. That’s why we know you’ll love our natural plant fertilisers and soil stimulants.

3 reasons to grow your own food.

You can control the chemicals used in your food.

You can rely less on the big supermarkets as a source of fresh produce.

A little self-reliance is always satisfying!

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Our Product Range for Home Gardeners

We produce a number of different products to promote plant growth and help support your veggie patch or floral garden.
Sprinkle & Soak

A blend of powerful microbes and microbial stimulants to kick-start your home compost, Sprinkle & Soak creates a cost-effective organic fertiliser. Shop now online!

Biolink™ Brew

Biolink™ Brew is a super effective, organic fertiliser in a ‘tea bag’ for your home garden. Biolink™ Brew is an easy way to boost the nutrients in your plants. Shop now online!


A sustainable, affordable fertiliser, Germinator is a pelletised blend of powerful microbes and microbial stimulants to improve the soil and increase plant growth.

BioLink™ Bullet

Nurture your home garden with our effective, all-purpose, organic fertiliser made with chicken manure and our special blend of microbes.

Dunny Digester

Dunny Digester septic tank treatment pods contain powerful, all-natural microbes will make a meal out of the muck in your septic tank system (NOW AVAILABLE in our online shop).

Biolink™ Compost Starter

Helps you create ready-to-use fertiliser that enriches the soil and creates a perfect environment for your plants to thrive.

Sustainable, profitable, healthier.