BioLink 4 Plants & Animals

Dairy Cows & Calves

At the heart of a thriving dairy enterprise is a healthy herd

The ability of dairy farmers to grow their own nutrient-rich pastures is a strategic investment with many benefits. Not only does it bolster the nutritional value of the milk produced but it also fosters a holistic and sustainable approach to dairy farming.

The benefits of growing nutrient-dense pasture for your dairy herd

Our aim is to help dairy farmers nurture the soil, grow nutrient-rich pastures, and care for the health of their animals. We help farmers manage their on-farm costs, and create sustainable, more profitable livelihoods.

Improved nutrition

Better quality pasture directly influences the nutritional intake of the dairy herd, impacting milk production and overall herd health.

A win for the environment

Beyond the economic advantages, cultivating nutrient-rich pastures promotes sustainable farming practices by reducing the reliance on external inputs, minimising the environmental footprint associated with transportation and production of commercial feeds. Well-managed pastures improve soil health, water retention, and biodiversity on the farm.

Well-balanced diet

Growing one's own pastures allows you to tailor the mix of grasses and legumes to the specific needs of your animals. This ensures a well-balanced diet that enhances milk quality and quantity.

Saves you money

Homegrown pastures are a cost-effective alternative to purchasing supplemental feeds, contributing to economic sustainability.

Probiotics for optimum digestive health

A healthy gut is key to efficient nutrient absorption and digestion in dairy cows and calves. When the digestive system is functioning at its best, the animals can extract and utilise essential nutrients from their feed, promoting overall health and contributing to increased milk production.

Our independently run trials have demonstrated consistent methane reduction and increased nutrient uptake with Opti-Gut.

Opti-Gut-ANIMAL-pelletised-probiotic GREY

The Biolink™ System is a based-on sound principles and proven results

Whether it’s harnessing the power of our multi-species, microbial-based fertilisers to provide adequate feed for the herd, speeding-up the composting of waste materials, or using Opti-Gut – our unique probiotic formula for animals – we’re committed to supplying affordable products that get results.


Daryl and Trudi Hammond run a large dairy farm milking around 450 to 500 cows daily. Located at Buln Buln, just out of Warragul in West Gippsland Victoria, the farm has been in Trudi Hammond’s family for more than 50 years.

Open to new ideas, they’re always looking out for how they can become more efficient. Their goals are to make their farming enterprise more profitable, make their life a little easier, and look after their animals. Keeping their herd healthy is a big priority, so they were interested in trying out Opti-Gut, Biolink’s animal probiotic.


Hammond Farm Dairy – Warragul East Victoria


Read their story here.

Need advice on how to make your dairy farm more sustainable, productive, and profitable?