Why this champion horsewoman loves Opti-Gut horse probiotic


Why this champion horsewoman loves Opti-Gut horse probiotic

Lynda Field loves horses. Lynda is an accomplished horse rider with 30 years of experience competing and winning awards in various national and state events. This includes winning The Tack Room/Never Late Freight 2023 Super Series championship on her 10-year-old Australian Stock Horse Calypso.

Lynda and her husband Wayne own The Tack Room in Glencoe, SA, a specialist retail outlet selling quality handmade equestrian products, including saddles, saddle pads, swags, and horse rugs. Lynda also regularly competes in the Stockman’s Challenge.

We recently spoke to her about her experience supplementing her horse’s diet with Opti-Gut Probiotic for Horses.

How did you hear about Biolink’s Opti-Gut probiotic supplement?

I heard about it from a friend in Adelaide who has stock horses. In the early days, I used Opti-Gut for Animals.

It really helped with a horse I acquired from NSW. The horse had never travelled, and he shut down when we brought him down to our place. Obviously, the stress of travelling really affected him. He wouldn’t let me touch his belly. 

I gave him two big scoops of Opti-Gut every day, which got his gut working really well. Now he’s come out of his shell.


What sort of feedback have you had from your customers about Opti-Gut?

I have quite a few clients using Opti-Gut for horses now. It seems to be especially good for older horses—the ones between 20 and 30 years old. After taking Opti-Gut, they look amazing. I’m finding it has good results for older and performance horses.

The feedback has been great. One of my customers is involved with performance dressage. They also feed it to their older horse – and now the horse is doing well.

Are there any questions people ask you about the product?

Usually, they ask what’s in it. I explain how it neutralises the pH levels. It’s excellent during summer when there’s less pasture around, and horses often lack a bit of good nutrition. Springtime too.  

Another problem where Opti-Gut helps is when a horse has very runny poo. Opti-Gut firms it back up, eliminating diarrhoea. I find that after people try it, they come back for more.

What do you think makes Opti-Gut stand out from other types of probiotics?

Many supplements are costly to feed. Opti-Gut is great if people are struggling and on a budget but still want to do the right thing for their horse’s health. It’s not expensive to buy.

Another significant advantage is that it’s pelletised. I love that it’s not a powder! Horses often sift powder out of their feed, and even fussy eaters will eat the pelletised supplement. Many horses, especially finicky eaters, have gut issues and dislike supplements. Opti-Gut is excellent because it doesn’t have a strong odour, and you can easily feed it to your horse right out of your hand.

Is there anything you’d like to add?

Many of my clients are now onto the bigger buckets, so I don’t see them as often! I’m confident the sales will grow more over time as word gets around.

We’ve got an event in March, and Opti-Gut is a sponsor. We’ve also got the Stockman’s Challenge coming up, so we’ll be plugging it throughout the series.

I love the pellet idea. You can feed it to your horses out of your hand.

When selling the product, I also explain what the microbes are and what they do. People often don’t understand the connection with gut health.
